We’re sure you’re going to love your Revision Skincare products, but as a guarantee of quality, we offer a simple returns and refunds policy if you’re not completely satisfied.
If you wish to return your purchased products, please follow the instructions below:
How to cancel an order:
- At any time within 14 working days after your purchased products arrive, you may cancel your order. Should you wish to do so, please return the products within 5 working days of notifying us of cancellation. Cancelled products must be returned in their original packaging, unopened and unused.
- Please return your cancelled products using a tracked delivery service. We are unable to accept any liability for returned products that are lost in transit.
- When we receive the cancelled products, we will process a refund.
- Please note, we are unable to refund cancelled products that are returned outside of the 5 working day period, that have been opened, used, or removed from their original packaging.
- Products that have expired are not eligible for return or refund.
- We reserve the right to review multiple or repeat return and refund requests. After review, we reserve the right to deny multiple or repeat requests.
- Processing may take up to 14 days.
How to return a product:
- We can only receive returned products purchased from this site. If your products were purchased from an Authorised Revision Skincare Professional’s clinic or elsewhere, they must be returned to the clinic or other point of purchase.
- Please notify us of any shortages or damage to your delivered products within 48 hours of receiving them. You can email us at After this time, should a product appear to be faulty, please report this to us via email. We will then request the faulty product be returned to us within 7 working days.
Please return your products using a tracked delivery service as we’re unable to accept any liability for returned products that are lost in transit.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch at